Monday, May 2, 2011

Our First Harvest, Gordon's Lettuce Mix

Annette, Sarah and Joan hauled two 40 lb bags each of mushroom compost and peat moss to prepare Gordon’s fifth bed on yesterday evening.  We raked all of that organic material into the soil along with plant food to get the bed for planting.  Annette and Joan planted a half row of white cucumbers and a half row of bush beans while Sarah was a weeding Wonder, weeding the entire lettuce bed.

Linda joined us and we all took a final look at the back half of the green and beet bed.  The general consensus was that we either did not plant anything there or, what we planted was NOT growing.  So we turned to soil over and re-planted it with Lima beans.  Linda and Annette re-staked some of our tomatoes, they are growing taller everyday!

Weeding Wonder, Sarah continued her prowess and weeded the tomato bed.  The basil is sprouting up all over the tomato bed and Sarah  planted the marigolds n the tomato beds as well.   
Annette harvested our first lettuce.  We picked a little of each, Winter Density, Black Seeded Simpson, Buttercrunch, Red Romaine and Tatsoi.  If we keep the bed watered, we should have lettuce through May!
SIDEBAR:    Linda dropped a bag of Gordon's Lettuce Mix off for Karen.  When I talked to Karen she raved about how good it was!  
I had a Gordon's Lettuce Mix salad for lunch today.  I added some spring onions (from Azeeze's organic farm), feta cheese, grilled salmon and I topped it with a homemade, Strawberry Vinaigrette dressing (see recipe page)  The homemade dressings are so flavorful.  They make a perfect topping to our fresh picked lettuce!
We ended our evening by watering all of the babies and toddlers. 

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